Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Day of Co-op, Drama Performances

Today was our last day of KDOC (until September). In some ways it is a good thing. We will have an extra day each week to review material for the yearly progress test. Recently it has also seemed like some of the members of co-op are getting "burned-out." But both of my boys enjoyed co-op each week, and will miss it during the summer.
An indicator that there was burn-out is that at the end of the fall semester every class did some kind of presentation, but today the only class presentations were the drama performances. But this is what it is like at schools too. Warm weather seems to make everyone want to abandon indoor and organized activities.
The performances were very good, considering the time constraints, ages of the children involved, and the difficulty of some of the plays. The oldest group (9-11 year olds), which happened to consist of only boys, wrote their own play. I was pretty impressed. It had all the elements a play written by 11 year old boys should have--aliens, army guys, battles, volcanoes, and a magical sphere that is the key to defeating the alien alliance.
The middle and lower level classes performed plays their instructor assigned. The lower level's play was pretty involved for 5-6 year olds, but it was a large group in which everyone wanted a part. The middle level did not have as many performers and some children weren't as keen to perform as others. Another snag was the middle level had 2 performers that couldn't make it because of illness (and unfortunately one of them had a rather important part). In the lower level 1 performer was missing. The children really liked working on their play. Even my son, who hates being the center of attention, liked having a small role as a raccoon in the middle level play.

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