Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Handwriting Worksheets

I was looking for a handwriting worksheet to help my kindergartener practice writing his first and last names independently. This morning I found just what I was looking for at

You can create a worksheet with one line of your own text (up to about 20 characters). There are options to create handwriting worksheets in 5 different styles.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All About Spelling

This year we are using the All About Spelling program. J., my 5th grader, has struggled with reading and writing for years. I've tried lots of different approaches to spelling, and none of them seem to work particularly well and the traditional approach, which I prefer, seemed painful to J. I came across the All About Spelling program last year and decided we would give it a try.

So far it has been terrific. Because J. needed remediation, we started with the very first level. It is very systematic and tactile. Each lesson is easy to follow and implement. It makes use of spelling with letter tiles and pencil/paper. It includes dictation--phrases and sentences that incorporate words from the current lesson and review words. Many lessons we were able to introduce and complete in 1-2 days, if J. already knew or quickly grasped the concept. But, it is easy to extend a lesson to a week, when he has needed further instruction and review. He completed Level 1 in about 6 weeks. He is now working on Level 2, and doing very well. He actually likes doing spelling. He says it is his new favorite subject.

I plan to begin using Level 1 with E. (kindergarten) after the holiday break. Then I will be able to share how well it works with an emergent speller.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reflecting on Our First Week

Lessons began on August 30th in our household. We started a week earlier than originally planned because we'll be taking a week off this fall for vacation. It's great that homeschooling provides this wonderful flexibility.

Overall it was a good first week. The boys had good attitudes. They completed the work that was assigned to them (with minimal groans).

The schedule might need to be fine tuned. Because of my oldest son's problems with reading, he needs a significant amount of one-on-one time, and of course my youngest son is just getting started with this school thing and needs quite a bit of help and direct instruction. I found that some of the time I'd allotted to work with E. during the language arts block was taken up with providing additional reading instruction to J. I'm not ready to ditch this schedule, though. We'll work through September with it, then evaluate and tweak it.

This week I was struck by how important it is for me to model the behaviors I want to see in the boys. If I want them to be able to plan, schedule, and complete tasks, then I need to show them in my daily life and my own approach to projects how to do these things. If I want them to approach their work with a positive attitude. I need to do the same.